Monday, October 29, 2012

a little bit farmhouse glam, a little bit classic.

when Fall rolls around, my mind turns to Christmas. even though my family lives 1000 miles away [thus they are never at my home for the holidays!] I still spend hours sitting and dreaming about how I plan to decorate my home for the season.
[this centerpiece I made should've been my first clue...]
yesterday I was in HomeGoods [yum] and they had the store totally Christmas-ed out; it was so lovely. and that got me thinking.
about a different look this Christmas.
then I came to a dead stop because I couldn't decide just *what* that look should be!

fast forward to today and I'm browsing the HomeGoods website and I took their Stylescope quiz. lo and behold it was spot on: I'm a little bit Farmhouse Glam and a little bit Classic.
browsing pics of my decorations from years past does indeed point in this direction, so I just need to expand on it a bit:
[oh yea a little rustic, a little shimmer-shimmer]

[oh yea more a little rustic, a little shimmer-shimmer]

[ahem, are you sensing a pattern here?]

HomeGoods even has a wonderful Farmhouse Glam Pinterest board...I couldn't click Follow fast enough.
so I think I've got my cues for decorating this Christmas :-)

follow cynthia on pinterest