Monday, March 31, 2014

the most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.

the most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire
~ Ferdinand Foch

I heard this quote for the first time last night at yoga class, and it's really stuck with me. As I moved through my practice, it kept resonating through my head and heart.

And I thought about how truly incredible the human spirit is.

How beautiful, how resilient. How much it yearns to give.

How it is capable of achieving miracles big and small.
[sunset from my home office window, feeling lucky].
While we sometimes focus on this concept on a large scale, take a moment to think about it on a more personal level: those hundreds of small gestures you all make in your houses to turn them into loving homes that embrace the spirit of your lives, and bring comfort and joy to your families.
You are all such an inspiration to me every single day, sometimes I'm overwhelmed.

I believe this comes from the human soul on fire.

Wanting and needing to turn that fire outward by sharing and creating.

Sometimes it's something simple like a dish of pewter hearts on jadeite, which reminds me of the love of family and friends.
[pewter hearts on jadeite].
Sometimes it's a project that's meant to just be cool.  My little secret is that the Great Board and Batten Project was something I really wanted to do just because I knew it would make my soul happy, though I claimed all along that it was for function.
Of course I knew in the end it would make our home work better, I didn't realize how much I would appreciate that or how grateful I would feel to have it every day.

So to remind myself of this wonderful quote, I created a free printable for all of us!

You can just right click [or control click] on it and choose to save/download the file.
I'm going to frame mine and hang it in my office where I can always see it.

Thanks as always for reading, my friends!

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