Wednesday, February 18, 2015

DIY feature wall - picture frame molding in the master bedroom.

[feature wall: picture frame molding in the master bedroom].

Our master bedroom has this feature wall, under a peaked ceiling, that you see right when you walk into the room.
The Mr. hates that wall. And the ceiling, come to think of it.

I was ok with the wall, but wanted to make it stand out more. Nothing drastic or dramatic, just a little added texture and depth with some picture frame molding painted the same color as the wall.
Simple and elegant.

So out guessed it! My favorite purchase of all time, my Ryobi cordless nail gun.

I tell you, there's no rest for this poor thing.
First, came The Great Board & Batten Wall:
[The Great Board and Batten Wall].
Not too long after that was the shiplap wall/plank wall in the dining room:
[shiplap wall/plank wall].
Right on it's heels came the lattice wall in the stairwell:
[lattice wall].

And now here we are again, battery charged and ready to create a feature wall in the master bedroom.
Here's the wall before, inexplicably with a stationary bike in front of it:
[a bike? really?]
Not quite the feature I was looking for. Obviously that bike was the first to go.

Then off to Home Depot to look at molding options. So many options!
[home depot, molding options].
We went for this one, since it looked the most like picture frame molding:
[winner winner].
I sort of arbitrarily decided on the size I wanted for each frame, which ended up being 32"x66".
Total molding cost only $30.38  [49 ft x $0.62 per foot].  Wow, what a deal!

We cut the pieces on a 45 degree angle, painted them the same color as the wall [Artist Studio, by Ralph Lauren], and nailed them up using our trusty Ryobi nailgun.  A little spackle on the nail holes and some touch up paint, and it was done!

Looking better already:
[molding up!].
Better still, the simple art went back I've taken while exploring the Pacific Northwest:
[pictures hung].
And here's a closeup of the frames:
There you have it friends! As always, please let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to answer them if I can.

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