we recently installed a simple gravel path in the backyard ['cause I like the crunch underfoot]. just 20 ft from patio to gate was 3 years in the making...geez. it's not that it was difficult, far from it. just that I kept putting it on the back burner. but I'm so glad to have it because it's not only beautiful but functional as well. the cats are less enthusiastic. they try their best to walk along the bordering rocks, with varying degrees of success :-)
I love how the path twists and turns, and really sets off the plants along it's edge. oh, did you notice those golden ferns? I bet you thought, hey this picture is clearly from summer, why are those ferns showing fall color? I'm glad you asked! These magical plants are called Autumn Fern, so named because the new fronds emerge as a coppery-pink, then slowly turn green over time:
[autumn fern]
Here's a view of the path facing the other way, toward our teeny tiny back porch:
I have some secret sneaky plans to put in another gravel path in the front yard this year. If you've created your own garden path, I'd love to see it! As always, thanks for reading,