no? hmm. maybe that's just me.
[the inspiration, all from HomeGoods] |
I must open that door a million times a day. and while there was nothing inherently wrong with it [it's chock full of nice built in shelves and a great wood floor]... the walls were basic builder's cream paint and it wasn't very organized or pretty. the husband would argue that it doesn't need to be pretty.
I feel like I say that a lot around this house...
so one day I decided to pretty-ify it. of course that meant taking everything out and piling it in the dining room, taking special note of how many gross expired items were in there. old gross stuff, meet garbage can.
cue a couple of coats of my favorite Ralph Lauren paint, called Artist's Studio, in an eggshell finish. I adore this color, which is a cloudy grey-blue. it's made an appearance in lots of rooms in our house.
[clean, painted pantry...ooh spy that little bit of awesomeness @ bottom right?] |
my wonderful white built in shelves were in good shape, I just cleaned them and topped them with a couple of coats of water-based satin Varathane Diamond Polyurethane, which you should be able to find in any hardware store.
[yes that's a hook for my aprons, yay!] |
she's pulled forward in this pic:
[glide out shelf. adore.] |
I really wanted the wire bins with the paper towels to sit on the top shelf, but they're just a wee bit too tall so they're tucked under the bottom shelf.
in addition to the beautiful baskets and bins from HomeGoods, I gathered some wonderful Anchor Hocking glass cracker jars from Target.
I can't seem to stop buying these glass jars.
it's becoming a real problem.
I loaded up the baskets and jars and put everything back in.
[glass jars, baskets for oatmeal and all-important coffee!] |
[heavy stuff in the baskets on the glide out shelf] |
just so you didn't think I forgot about the other side of the pantry...behold the baking shelf!
wow looks like I need to refill my supplies doesn't it?
[baking supplies] |
[printed labels tied on with twine] |
[oh yea, the pumpkin pie basket!] |
I waited a super long time to do this project and I have no idea why. It was really easy. And makes me really happy! :-)
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